Srimad Bhagvad Gita | Chapter-1, Sloka-42 with Translation & Description

Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 1(Part-42)
Arjuna Vishaada Yogah:
"Arjuna's Despondency Stage"

sankaro narakaayaiva kulaghnaanaam kulasya cha
patanti pitaro hyeshaam luptapindodaka kriyaah // 1.42 //

Translation: An admixture of such unwanted progeny leads both the family and slayers of the family to hell. Because the spirit of ancestors of such a polluted family fall down due to the deprived of the offerings of rice and water

As per the rule and regulation of Hinduism, there is a special need of periodical offering of food and water to the ancestors even after death. This offerings are performed by worship of God. Because, due to some sinful activies in physical body, the host may be suffered from various sinful reactions and sometimes time they even don't get a gross body rather forced to remain in subtle bodies as ghost hence their sinful activities in the previous births. These offerings of food and water with worship by the descendants helps them to get released from such a miserable ghosty life. But by default, the unwanted and polluted  progeny gets involed in irreligious activities which leads the family and the ancestors to a downward and force them to lead a miserable life.
sankaro: unwanted progeny ; narakaaya: a hellish life ; kulaghnaanaam: slayers(Killers of family) ; kulasya: for the family ; patanti: fall down ; pitarah: ancestors(forefathers) ; lupta: vanish/stopped ; pindodoka: (pinda+udaka) offerings of food+water

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